Shivya Ayurpathy - The Treatment of your life

Providing cure rather than relief


Shivya Ayurpathy is providing healthcare facilities to the patients through its dedicated team of experts. Patients from every corner of the India visit to us or make an Appointment for O.P.D Consultation.


The Panchkarma sessions are customised as per your specific needs by ascertaining your Prakriti and the disease’s aetiology. During the Panchkarma treatment we take into consideration your chart Nakshatra for enhancing the effect of the treatment.


Sushruta is the most celebrated physician and surgeon in India.Many of his contributions to medicine and surgery preceded similar discoveries in the Western world. Sushruta devotes a complete volume of his experiences to ophthalmologic diseases.

Kshar Sutra

It is a medicated linen thread prepared with a coating of Snuhi Ksheera, Apamarga Kshara and Haldi Churna.  Kshara Sutra Therapy is a unique ancient technique, which is proved to be an effective treatment of anorectal disorders.

Swarn Prashan

Swarna prashana is an unique method of giving swarna bhasma (gold ash) mixed with honey and ghee that is fortified with arka, an herbal extracts like vacha, brahmi, shankupushpi, etc. to children orally.

Yog Classes

Shivya Yoga Life aims at promoting integrated physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, growth and development, mainly through yogic culture through Yog Classes.

Yoga Classes

Yoga means “union” and leads to an integration of mind and body. Yoga is more than a physical exercise. It facilitates change based on the principles of reflection, integrity and awakening. Hatha yoga is traditionally made up of asana (posture) practice, pranayama and bandha/mudra work. Often the asana practice (the physical practice) is referred to as hatha yoga.

11 Days yoga course.

In which yogic asanas and pranayams would be through

5 Days meditation course.

In which Yog Sadhnas would be through

View all Yoga Classes

Patients treated Successfully

Ayurveda, in Sanskrit, signifies “A Science of life”, this old study of solution and positive Health initially Originated in India is still applicable and helpful to cutting edge lives.
Not only an arrangement of preventive medication, ayurveda accentuates on an invigorating and illuminated way of life an idea that is increasing wide acknowledgment in India as well as over the globe. We have successfully treated more than 400+ patients all over the India.

Shivya Ayurpathy - Know more about your life

Welcome to Shivya Ayurpathy
Providing cure rather than relief



For better experience, Make an Appointment now.


Live a Healthy life

Improve your metabolism

Increase your immunity

Make yourself Blissfull

Bring back harmony to your life

Bring Happiness to your life

For better experience, Make an Appointment now.


Lifelong adjustments to maintain health.

Shivya Ayurpathy- Providing cure rather than relief

If you or your loved ones are suffering from disease or any other health problem, Shivya Ayurpathy can help you. Don’t hesitate, if you are looking for complimentary consultation, just make an Appointment by filling a simple form.

Make a Appointment, We’ll show you how It is possible.
